Diva Goes Green


I have a hot, mad, crazy crush on kale. This super-sexy, green leafy vegetable has been has been linked to lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease, assisting in the prevention of cancer, and increasing DNA repair in cells. Kale is also one of the rock stars of the anti-inflammatory diet, which I first introduced to my Divas in "Fierce Skincare," on March 1, 2012.

In "The Truth About Kale," on webmd.com,  Kathleen Zelman, reports that kale contains the following vitamins and minerals:  


  • 15% of the daily requirement of calcium (to maintain strong bones and teeth)
  • 15% of the daily requirement of  Vitamin B6 (needed to make antibodies, maintain normal nerve function, and maintain blood sugar levels)
  • 40% of magnesium (proper muscular function, production of protein and production and transport of energy)  
  • 180% of Vitamin A (vision, bone growth, immune system, and protection of cells against free radicals)
  • 200% of Vitamin C (protects the body against free radicals and promotes healing )
  • 1,020% of vitamin K* (makes proteins for healthy bones and tissues, assists in blood clotting)
  • It is also a good source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus.


If that's not enough to get my Divas hot and bothered, this will:  Kale is super inexpensive.  You can add it to your weekly grocery list and barely put a dent in your household budget.

Fierce Divas know the importance of taking care of their bodies, and they understand the value of healthy eating.   Let's be straight on this, Divas.  Healthy eating is not about  being able to fit into Victoria Beckhams' skinny jeans.    My goal for you, Divas, is to eat in a way that is wholesome, nourishing,  prevents disease, and gives you the energy to live the life you love.   

Want to get cozy with kale?  Below are a few ways to get the two of you better acquainted.    

Namaste, Divas!

For a kale smoothie: add a fistful of kale, half an avocado or banana, and half an apple or pear to the blender with some water, ice, and honey for sweetness.  Blend until smooth, drink, and enjoy!

Make kale chips by slicing kale into bite-size strips, sprinkle with olive oil and a pinch of salt, and bake for 10-15 minutes at 350°

Slice kale into bite-size strips and sauté in a wok or pan with a few drops of olive oil, salt, and pepper.   

*Zelman warns ,  "Too much Vitamin K can pose problems for some people. Anyone taking anticoagulants such as warfarin should avoid kale because the high level of vitamin K may interfere with the drugs. Consult your doctor before adding kale to your diet."

©2012 Ilene Evans 


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