A Sort of Goodbye but Not Really

I have never taken friendship lightly.

There is a very good chance that if you were my friend twenty years ago, you’re still my friend now, and an even better chance if that you’re my friend now, you will be my friend twenty years from today.   If you are someone who matters to me, you can live on any continent on planet earth and I’ll find a way to stay in touch.  I may even find a way to pay you a visit.

This weekend, I am relocating my family from New Jersey to an island on the North Carolina coast.  Much of the past month, my children and I have been on what I’ve referred to as the “goodbye tour.” There have been play dates and farewell parties and girls nights out for me, with my “besties.”  I’ve wanted my children and myself to have that one last meet up with those who matter to us.

I also want my children to know that while these are goodbyes, they are only “goodbyes for now.” Those who matter to us will always be our friends, no matter where we live.

Today, I am honored to be featured on Laura’s blog, Mommy Miracles, discussing why I’ll never say “goodbye” to my true friends, even though I am moving 600 miles away from many of them.

Won’t you join me there?



A Sort of Goodbye but Not Really — 21 Comments

  1. I am much like you, I have always been someone who if I like you I will be there for you. While I have lived here in my state of KY for over 20 years with only 1 year of being elsewhere, I can totally relate. I have a friend in NC whom I have known literally since birth. While we may not talk as often I know if I needed her she is but a phone call away and the same goes for her. Even our moms were best friends. So when my mom passed for her it was as painful as if her mom had. Good luck on your new adventure.
    Southern Angel recently posted…6 weeks later and you find a new normal..My Profile

  2. I will be thinking about you as you make your move! Moves are NEVER easy, but it is great to do it when you know you won’t be losing any friends. Thank you so much for hanging out on my blog today. It is lovely having you!

  3. I just came from Laura’s blog – such a lovely post, Ilene. Friendship really can span time and distance. I love that your are helping your children learn that.
    Kim recently posted…Slipping AwayMy Profile

  4. You write some of the most helpful posts for me – I read many of your posts and think, yes I need to work on that, make more effort there, try harder….
    Thank you for managing to inspire me and help me to be better about so many different areas of my life!
    Kim recently posted…When you Make a Mistake, Make a Good One!!My Profile

  5. Like you, I keep friendships forever and don’t take them lightly, Ilene. How awesome it is to have that bond with someone that transcends time and space! A true blessing,
    Alison recently posted…The goodness of GodMy Profile

    • Bittersweet nails it. It’s what I call “Happy/Sad.” I am, however, looking forward to the new and special that we are moving toward!