Every now and then, I get this crazy idea in my head about getting together with friends who live in different parts of the country. As a blogger, I have met people, at least in that virtual sense, from every corner of the US. During the meetups I’ve had with blogging buddies, both formal and informal, I have a hard time with goodbyes. I’ve grown close to many of you.

I mentioned in passing to Tamara one day that I wanted her to get the shot. In that joking/non joking “wouldn’t that be cool,” fantasy kind of way?
I love it when the stars align and wishes come true.
Earlier today, Tamara finished sending me 43 photos that she captured outside her family’s home, where we met on Christmas Eve, running around horse pastures and woods, chasing that perfect shot.
I made new friends that day, too.

What makes Tamara’s photos so special – and I mean all of her photos, not just mine, are how they tell stories.

She gave me the story of me, newest chapter, latest revision.

“The best stories start with a world out of balance, and once we accept that, rise to the challenges and be true to ourselves, the outcome is often better than we could have imagined.”
~ from The In Between, April 2, 2013
I kind of wish I lived in Massachusetts right now! She’s beautiful photographer! Wow. And you are stunning!
Beth Teliho recently posted…What Do Women REALLY want?
Tamara finds the light in people. She’s amazing. I am so lucky that I was able to meet up with her for this. And thank you for that lovely compliment!
Love love love this!!! You look like your glowing and the photos are ridiculously gorgeous. So happy that the stars aligned!!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Friday Round-Up: Stories, Mantras and Revolutions
I’m happy they aligned too my friend! And thank you for the love. xo
Just found your blog and what GORGEOUS pictures. What kind of camera was used, do you know?
emma @ be mom strong recently posted…FitMama Friday 2
It’s a Canon 60D with a 50mm 1.4 lens!
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
Great to meet you Emma and thank you for your lovely words!
So jealous you & Tamara got to hang out over the holidays. She did a fabulous job, as always, with your photos. I really need to figure out a way to get me & my girls in front of her lens! I want some of that light too!
Nicole @ Work in Sweats Mama recently posted…Polar Vortex Wreaks Havoc on Mommydom
Have to step in to say that I just adore you, Nicole! I’m sure we’ll all hang out one day and I’d love to photograph you all. If only I could fundraise for a photography of bloggers tour. Yeah..
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
Nicole, I hope it happens for you one day. I’m sure it will! Something will put you all in the same room at some point. And those are some photos that I can’t wait to see!
Okay, this brought tears to my eyes. You describe Tamara’s photographs SO WELL. She does capture the person and the moment so well.
I love your photos!! She totally captured the light and goodness that radiates from you, Ilene. There was never a better combination of photographer and subject. BEAUTIFUL!!!
I will always think fondly of the skull cap photo because that is the Ilene I first met, but I am so excited as this new chapter unfolds for you and I get to see you blossom with it!! It’s just lovely. It makes me smile!! XOXOXOXOX –Lisa
PS. And I’m totes jealous that you guys got to see each other. I want a mini-blog meet up too with both of you!!!
Next time, I’m coming to NC! Mini-blog meet up anytime!
And thank you for saying that I capture people and moments so well. It was a GREAT combination, for sure.
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
Lisa, I really really really can’t wait for our next meetup. And I think we have to make it happen really soon! And I hope Tamara is there as well and can capture it all on film! And thank you for all of your lovely thoughts. That skull cap girl is still part of me. I’d like to make a blog badge out of that photo when I get a second to figure it out! xo
I’m nearly sobbing here! It was one of those cold and crappy and endless mornings, where you realize it’s only January, and the heating oil and pellets are going to run out soon…!
Anyway, enough about this. I love the way you described me. I’m going to stalk this page all day to read our lovely friends’ comments and to make myself feel well.
xoxo in a big way.
I hope I am that photographer you think I am. I doubt it a lot, but this makes me feel so fantastic.
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
You can stay around all day. I have a lot more gushing about you that I could do, you know. You’re amazing in every way. The photographer side is just the side that most people get to see.
And you are welcome to stick around today. I’m declaring this Tamara day. Nice ring to it, don’t you think?
Maybe Wednesday will be Ilene Day because I have a post coming out with a lot of mentions of this. I was going to post it tomorrow but my heart was feeling crummy so I had to post something that honors that. I want your day to be happy!!
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
I am so sorry to hear that your heart is feeling crummy. And while you need to honor that, I’m still sorry to hear. Here’s to a mending heart. And if you start to feel down, just read this comment thread, girl. You are loved by many. xo
You look so beautiful Ilene!! And yes, she is amazing!! I couldn’t agree with you more on the way that she captures the essence of every moment and just makes it look so, well, perfect! I am happy-jealous of you (secretly I want Tamara to do the pictures of me and the kids…but shhh…don’t tell her that) XOXO
Krystal recently posted…A Brand New Day
Thank you Krystal. I feel so SO very lucky that Tamara was able to get the photo. There are plenty of GREAT photographers down here, but they’re not Tamara. I’m so happy it was HER.
Aww love you both! Tamera did an awesome job and you look stunning!
Natalie recently posted…Review Extravaganza Winners!
Thank you my friend. xo
I LOVE, LOVE them!! It IS you and your new start!! I have a special love of Tamara’s blog.. I could just go to look at the pictures and then she has to go and put even more amazing words with her already amazing photos. She’s just breathless to me.
Kristen Daukas recently posted…Triad Love: Battledish Winston
I am truly breathless reading this comment. I never knew you felt that way!! So glad to be on quite a few writing journeys with you.
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
She’s breathless to me too Kristen! Everything about her! And thank you for your love and enthusiasm for my fresh start. I am so very very blessed.
Gorgeous photos Ilene! You look amazing! Amazing how a photo can encapsulate so much change. Lovely headshot and kudos on the fresh start. 2014 will be an incredible year. 🙂
Maribel! Thank you so much for that! A picture really CAN tell a story. And so far this year is off to an incredible start. Happy new year to you my friend. xo
I love this!!!!! You both are so talented and am happy for the synchronicity that brought us this Christmas Eve Day magic!
Karen, Thank you for welcoming me into your home and sharing your beautiful family with me. What’s great about these photos is that they come with the memory of a perfect day spent with lovely people.
Love those pictures so much! You are right about her capturing your essence, and I have to tell you it’s gorgeous, my friend!
One day we’ll meet as well, I’m sure 🙂
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…Old School Blogging – 2013 Recap
Kerstin, you are so kind, my friend. And I can’t wait to meet you. I know that one day, sooner rather than later, this will happen. xo
Magic happens when two beautiful people (inside and out) collaborate – the proof is in the photos! Tamara does bring out the light in her subjects, but I suspect your light is brimming over anyway. As others have said, I’m jealous that you met (again!) in person, but it’s a happy-for-you kind of jealousy. Looking forward to following the newest chapter in your story, Ilene!
Dana recently posted…As if I’d actually ever win the lottery
I felt that way about you and Kristi meeting. I bet we will all hang out this year.
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
Dana – I have a feeling that 2014 will be the year for a lot of meet ups with many of the fabulous women we’ve met in the blogging world. And Tamara draws it right out of people. She’s beyond talented. Thank you for your kind words!
As I noted on Facebook, there is true beauty on both sides of the camera. Tamara has captured you beautifully and she is truly telling a deeper story. Everything is perfect from the outfit to the scenery to the lighting…and of course the subject looks great too. 🙂
p.s. I could use some headshots too, Tamara. Just saying.
another jennifer recently posted…Philanthropy Friday: Finding Sunshine After the Storm
Your wish is my command! This is our year, remember?
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
Talk about beauty on both sides on the camera? I would LOVE to see Tamara get some shots of you! And thank you for all of your kind words. xo
Love your new pics! Gorgeous! That is so awesome about your meet-up. It just shows it never hurts to ask. Hope we can meet IRL too someday. Let me know if you ever make your way back out to California. 🙂
Kerry recently posted…The Promise of “New”
I hope we meet up one day too Kerry! And no, it never ever hurts to put it out there! I am so glad this worked out for us!
When you pair an incredible photographer who has an amazing eye with a gorgeous person who radiates beauty inside and out, you can’t help but get pictures like these. Well done, both of you!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Ask Away Friday with Tamara from Tamara (Like) Camera
Hugs, Rabia. You are so sweet. xo
How cool is it Tamara took those photos for you!!! I love them! She is truly amazing and you are right, she tells stories with her photos, which are the absolute best kind!!
Michelle recently posted…#AskAwayFriday with Nellie from Brooklyn Active Mama
Yes! She is a storyteller. Gorgeous words. Gorgeous photos. She’s such an incredible talent and friend.
Love, love, love the photos and I’m so glad you ditched the skullcap because your hair looks fab!
Michelle recently posted…Redirect
Thanks, my friend! I’m loving my hair these days too!
Those are great photos! Glad you have been able to make some great friends with some great ladies. Tamara is awesome! I love her blog 😀 Best of luck this new year Ilene! -Iva
AwesomelyOZ recently posted…The ‘Coarse’ of Action
Best of luck to you too Iva. And I’m glad you’ve found Tamara in the blog world. She’s the best.
I LOVE them!! I agree that Tamara has a special gift behind the lens! I wish she could take mine. I love the pictures and I’m excited to share a new chapter with you! XO
Adrienne recently posted…When Your Child Has Never Been to Public School
Tamara’s gift is amazing. I was so fortunate to work with her. Thanks for your kids words my friend!
You look amazing! I hate saying “good bye,” too. 🙂
Thanks, love. Good-byes. The worst…
Love this so much! I just got done commenting to Tamara how much I love her photos and could look at them all day. You look STUNNING in your new profile pic. Just gorgeous, truly! I’m going to stalk her the next time we are up in western Mass.
Deb @ Urban Moo Cow recently posted…Five Things I Will Miss About Brooklyn
Please stalk me anytime! And your comment on my blog (and this one) made my day. I can make that happen for you. A whole day of starting at my photos. Life dream, huh?
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
Thanks Deb. And yes – stalk her! I don’t know where you’re moving to..yet – but she does occasionally make an appearance in NJ for family – so you can always catch here there. That’s what I did!
She did an amazing job! You look beautiful and might I say smoking! Some man is going to scoop you up my friend!
Joi @ Rx Fitness Lady recently posted…One Word for 2014: BALANCE
Aw, blush, Joi. I am really pleased with the photos and super psyched that Tamara got to take them.
I love Tamara’s photography. As you said, they tell stories. Yours are beautiful!
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…If I Had a Million Dollars . . . .
Thanks Lisa! I love the story here – the story of my meetup with Tamara and the story that the photos tell. Best Christmas gift ever.
So awesome that not only did you get to spend some time with Tamara but also do a photo shot with her!!
You are gorgeous – I think she captured ‘YOU” in such a true sense!!!
Kim recently posted…A Week of Ups and Downs
Kim, you are so sweet to say that. Thank you. And I am lucky – in a twofold way – that I spent time with a great friend and that she took such wonderful photos.
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!! Oh your pictures are BREATHTAKING!!!! I could look at them all damn day…
And that quote? Oh gosh- it doesn’t get any more perfect than that for you.
Just look at you, would you? LOOK. AT. YOU.
Chris Carter recently posted…This is How God Works…
Girl – I love you so much. And thank you. I feel good these days – and I think above all, that’s what Tamara captured.
She’s captured your spirit perfectly here. Some photographers get the inside even when all we can see is the outside … this is magic. You are absolutely stunning. 🙂
Justine recently posted…Filters, Bliss, and Gluten-Free Snickerdoodles
Thank you Justine. And she did. She got the inside. She’s so talented – to capture it all so to speak. Tiffany did that too with the “skull cap shot” but I love that I have that present day photo that tells the story of now.
You look beautiful in these shots, Ilene! I’m so glad this worked out for you. Tamara is such an incredible photographer. I may need to take advantage of the fact that we live in the same state!
Bev recently posted…Through the Lens Thursday: Corner
Bev! Do it! I would love to see those photographs!
Anytime, Bev!!
Tamara recently posted…When Co-Authors Team Up!
Sorry for my delay, my friend!!! 2014 has got me wandering still as I did at the end of 2013, I have got to get out of this funk, but, I LOVE this post!!!! BTW- roadtrip may be sooner than later, I’m thinking 😉 XO. ~A~
Amber Day Hicks recently posted…Whoa- it’s 2014- what????
Why don’t you wander your way down here, City Girl? Just saying…
That is so beyond fabulous that it defies fabulosity. And the pictures are awesome, too. I really like the ones of you with the horse.
Jester Queen recently posted…Frozen (Movie Review)
Jessie – there are at least a dozen of me with horses. They are my favorites. And thank you. I am so glad this reunion – and the photo session worked out!
Could you BE more gorgeous? Seriously. Love.
Andrea B (@goodgirlgonered) recently posted…Amazing Reads: A Different Spin
Oh, Andrea. You are so sweet. HUGS. And from some of the chatter that’s been going on, I look forward to giving you that hug in person very soon!
Christmas Eve? You must have been FREEZING! You look amazing, as usual. I love the YOU that North Carolina has brought out of you. And as for Tamara… her pictures just BLOW my mind.
Alexa recently posted…A Little Bit of Sunshine After the Storm
Alexa – I’m guessing it was in the mid 20’s as I was wandering around the horse pasture and woods with Tamara! We had to take a few breaks to I could throw on a jacket and gloves. And thank you my friend. My experience since living in NC has been INCREDIBLE in every day. I’m guessing that’s what you all are seeing. xo
Oh, I love it! I love the story of the two of you meeting up to do this and I LOVE the new photo! Gorgeous and wonderful!
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Old School Blogging – 2013 Review
Thank you Kim! I love that we got to meet up again! These photos were just the icing on the cake!
Tamara is a wonderful photographer and captures beauty wherever her lens is pointed. I have to say that you look absolutely stunning and happy! These are the perfect photos for your new website.
Carla recently posted…1/11/14: The Skinny
Thanks Carla! It’s a great time for me and Tamara captured that beautifully!
Oh gosh they are beautiful shots!
I think she captured the essence of you wonderfully.
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #2
Thanks Alison! I love them! Tamara is amazing!
b e a u t i f u l.
I loved looking at these fabulous, fun photos!! xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…Remembering June
Thank you Kim, I am thrilled with them. I love them now and I know I’ll love them years from now when I look back and think about this time in my life.
How fun and beautiful pictures!
Akaleistar recently posted…Inspired By Downton Abbey (Part 1)
Thanks Ashley. They are fun. And the day with Tamara was beyond fun!
With the two of you together how could we expect anything but this? Northeast Ohio welcomes you both, at any time. 🙂 I even have a guest room and lots of extra space.
tammigirl recently posted…Can You Spare a Square?
Thanks, Tammi! And oh, the three of us together…just think!
Love this so so so very much!!! Those photos are gorgeous but with two of my favorite people I’d expect nothing less!
Tricia recently posted…Lovely little things
Oh, Tricia. You are too sweet. I feel like Tamara and I were the dynamic duo that day. I needed her superpowers behind the lens to capture what she captured.
These are GORGEOUS. I mean, OK, Tamara is a great photographer and she certainly pulled out the essence of “you.” But you look so happy and peaceful and beautiful! This gave me little chills.
Allison recently posted…Dear Little One…Good Nights are Mine to Give
Thank you Allison. It’s a great moment, my life right now. I feel very blessed. I’m thinking that’s what all of you see. Thanks for sharing in it with me! xo
You look beautiful! The pictures are all so gorgeous 🙂 That’s such a wonderful thing when friendships formed online transferred into real life. What a joy!
Maureen recently posted…What Snorkeling Taught Me
Maureen, it is such a joy when my online relationships transform to IRL! I feel so blessed for this! Thank you for your lovely words about the photos.
Gorgeous pictures!!
Barbara recently posted…I survived …
Thanks Barbara!
How exciting you guys got to meet up again!!! What beautiful pictures she took as well! You look awesome!
Leah Davidson recently posted…Quote of the Week
Thanks Leah! It was a great meet up. The photos were the icing on the cake!
Tamara is UBER talented, and you are UBER beautiful so, what a winning combo! I love that shot of you laughing by the horse. So much joy! I hope I get to you meet you both someday… 🙂
Elaine A. recently posted…In Line at Target…
Thank you my friend. And I hope I get to meet you as well. xo
Lovely headshots! You all look like you had such a good time. It must have been so nice to get together with friends during the holidays. The weather looked great where you were. I live in Georgia, but I don’t remember any days where i could wear short sleeves. Lucky you!
Tenns @ New Mama Diaries recently posted…Decadent Fudgey Chocolate Chip Brownies
Tenns – honestly – it was in the 20’s! We were in the northwest corner of New Jersey – up in the hills – and it gets cooooold up there. I kept having to take breaks to put on a jacket and gloves over the dress. But I’m glad you can’t tell that my lips were chattering in between shots!
I’d totally travel to Mass for pictures like those. You look beautiful. I love the pic with your huge laugh with the horse. love the candidness of it. It’s great that you’ve made such wonderful real life connections.
Hope recently posted…Without my cell phone…
Thank you Hope! I LOVED playing with the horses! I’m glad it shows!
I saw these on Tamara’s site and I cannot tell you how much I love them!…I can’t imagine how you feel. She is magical and she absolutely captured the magic of YOU! Just beautiful.
Allie recently posted…Now Available On Pinterest
Thank you my friend. She IS magical and I love these photos. She nabbed some great shots (and I am my own worst critic when it comes to pictures!) and it’s also the memory of a great day!
I love it when things come together like that! Synchronicity is the best. And you look gorgeous, as always.
Natalie DeYoung recently posted…Just Say No
Synchronicity IS the best Natalie! And thank you 🙂
It seems unfair, somehow, that I want to meet you both so much and you already got to meet one another. However, I am big and realize that you two loving one another is best for the whole world so…AND OMG the photos she took of you are amazingly gorgeous and wonderful and I love them. You’re stunning and so right that she has the ability to capture magic with that camera of hers. To tell stories. To show love, life, and light. All in one.
Also I’m going to cry if she does not give me Sunday after BlogU to take photos of my son…big ugly cry…
Kristi – I love that – that the two of us loving each other is the best for the whole world. And thank you for your lovely thoughts on these photos. I adore them and Tamara and you and I can’t wait for Tam to get photos of your son after Blog U. Can. Not. Wait.
I adore the blogging friends I’ve made and being with them in person is always so great….these shots are seriously AWESOME!!! I need some new shots but you’ve got me motivated to make it happen 🙂
Amanda @runtothefinish recently posted…#Bestfoot This Week Link Up + Spotlight
Thanks, Amanda! Your photos are gorgeous but every now and then it’s great to do new ones!
Oh my gosh LOVE! They are stunning, you look vibrant and full of positive energy. I love your dress too. How gorgeous and awesome that you could meet up with her and get your head shots done. I love the horse in the pictures, she has a great eye. Is that your daughter too? She is gorgeous my girls would be very jealous of her outfit and shoes hehe!
Jess recently posted…Busy Busy
Thanks Jess! The girl in my post is Tamara’s daughter who happens to share a name with my daughter though! I am so lucky that this meet up happened! Truly blessed!
Sweet! What an amazing time you must have had. The images are wonderful and your beautiful self shines through!
Kim recently posted…Cabin Fever: Time to take action
Thank you Kim. It WAS an amazing time!
I am so late to this party but wanted to say that you, my friend are drop dead gorgeous and our friend Tamara is a great photographer! She does tell a story and I love that I am along for the ride of yours.
AnnMarie recently posted…Tuesday Tidbits: January 21
You are NEVER late for my party. You are always right on time! And I love that you are along for the ride with me. LOVE.
Good Lord, woman! You are stunning! These photos are beautiful 🙂
Hillary recently posted…Men BreastfeedingJan 22nd
*blush* Thank you so very much, Hillary!
I got here from “Rubber Chicken Madness” and loved your post! Those photos truly do capture more than that which meets the eye. Lovely.
Katy B. recently posted…Now I lay me down to sleep – writing prompt *fiction*
It’s so nice to meet you! I love Kim from RCM! And thank you for your lovely words!
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