And Then We Ate

We ate, and we ate a lot. We ate peanut butter out of jars. We pizza at a friend’s house who invited us over in the evenings to stay warm in their house, powered by a generator.  We ate garlic bread and pasta at a neighborhood potluck, which took our minds off of the cold and the darkness and the devastation for a few short hours.  I ate egg and cheese sandwiches handed out by volunteers from the Union Beach Fire Department while I walked the storm ravaged streets, helping people drag their waterlogged belongings to the curb.  We ate … Continue reading

Please People! Leave Your Negligees at Home!

I’m sure you wear lovely undergarments. But, like the rest of us, you may need to refurbish yours from time to time.  Or, maybe you just get bored.  That leopard print bra that you were in love with last season may feel dated to you now.  Or, like me, maybe your boobs changed in size after kids and breast feeding, and it just doesn’t fit right anymore. Perhaps you have thrown it in a plastic bag along with some other items for donation.  There is nothing wrong with it, right? It’s not worn or stained, therefore, maybe some nameless, faceless … Continue reading

Got Boobs?

Warning:  This post contains uncharacteristically strong language for the Fierce Diva.  It's to prove a point, of course.  I have something I need to get off my chest – no pun intended.  I find the mega-hype over this week's cover of Time Magazine (for those of you living under a rock, it would be the one that features a photo of a mother breastfeeding her three year-old son) rather annoying.   Forget about the article.  The photo itself has gotten plenty of press and outrage from the country-at-large. There has been a demand for the magazine to be censored at certain … Continue reading