Bring on the Noise

  “I think I know what you’re going to decide,” I say, after I’ve explained her options. “You do?” “I’m pretty sure of it.” “Is it OK? Mommy, is it OK?” The letter explained that our town will have two cheer squads this year for the age level of my daughter.  One will be competitive, whose goal will be to win the national title in their division, and one squad will be non-competitive, who will cheer at football games.   Their decision to split into two squads does not surprise me, since many of the parents of these girls, as … Continue reading

Coming Home

Hello, blogosphere!  I’m back! I’d like to tell you that I have been away on an exotic vacation.  To the islands, to an ashram, an African Safari. But in actuality, I’ve been hustling around New Jersey, as a mild mannered administrative assistant/freelance writer/yoga teacher by day, and budding entrepreneur by night (more on the entrepreneur thing later).  There has not been as much silence or pausing or deep thinking as I would have liked.  I’ve been working it, if you know what I mean. I’ve been working it so much that I hardly missed my blog as much as I … Continue reading