Nine Things I {Almost} Know for Sure about Parenthood

  I’m not the best at this mom thing. There are times, I’m selfish. I’d rather write a blog post or go for a run than get down on the floor and play Legos with my kids.  There are times I don’t listen the way I should.  There are times I yell. I have come to look upon motherhood as a work in progress.  In some instances, I have let go of certain ideals.  In other instances, I have adopted new ones.  Just when I think I have something figured out, I realize how very little I actually know.   … Continue reading

My Evil Mistress

“I need a favor.” My mother’s voice quivered. “Mom, are you OK?”   I had just left work and gotten into my car, which was semi covered in the first round of slush from our Friday-Saturday snowstorm. “You don’t have any Diet Coke.  Can you stop at the store and get some?” My mother had moved in with us for the night in anticipation of the first blizzard of the winter.  The kids love having her around.  And they love that she travels with Carrie. I love having her around, because when she’s here, I can slip off to Target by … Continue reading

Negligees and Chakra Rocks

How did you find me? Facebook?  Twitter? Through another blog? Perhaps you’re one of my personal friends that I coerced in the beginning and said you had to read and share my stuff (and a wholehearted thanks to all of you who have). Although there are behind the scenes tools to allow bloggers to see where their traffic comes from, I’ve never paid much attention to it…until a bout with insomnia combined with too much coffee drove me to my Google Analytics dashboard for maybe the second time since I began my blog (I know there are bloggers crawling out … Continue reading

How I Won the Heart of Justin Timberlake

I knew I was staring but couldn't stop myself.  He tapped his foot on the floor to the rhythm of the music as he silently mouthed the words to the song, with a slight exaggeration to his expression.  He was completely into what he was doing.  He was adorable.    Trixie was right.  The DJ did look like Justin Timberlake. Except the "real" JT was older by comparison.  This kid could not have been more than twenty-three?  Twenty-four?     He provided the entertainment at the First Holy Communion party for Trixie's daughter, held at a banquet hall tucked away in … Continue reading