The Drama Queen Diva

 She stages a grand entrance at the elementary school pick up, slamming her car door and stomping her way through the cluster of moms chatting quietly. You avert your eyes  and pretend to type on your phone, but this does not stop the Drama Queen Diva from making a bee line to where you are standing. Today she rants about the PTO moms who left her out of the yearbook meeting, even though she's on the committee, her vacuum breaking, and the audacity of her mother-in-law to suggest that she stop giving her son Cheez-Its for breakfast.  There is a … Continue reading

Sexy and I Know It

It is not only your right as a Fierce Diva to be sexy,  it is your responsibility.  But before you throw on a push up bra and false eyelashes for your next trip to the grocery store, perhaps we should discuss the Fierce Diva definition of sexy.    First, I'll explain what sexy is not.  Starving yourself or "pounding" on an exercise machine to squeeze into a certain dress size is not sexy. The pursuit of "Manufactured Pretty"  to win the attention of a man is not sexy.  The props of "Manufactured Pretty" may include but are not limited to … Continue reading

Fierce Fitness

It is of the utmost importance that a Diva maintains a regimen of physical activity. Notice, Divas, I did not say "exercise regimen."   There's a difference. Exercise, to me, means going to the gym, and pounding on some machine for an hour to "burn off the calories" you ate at lunch.  My guess is that you spend that hour eagerly waiting for it to end, while you zone out to your iPod or the flat screen TV that hangs over the "cardio room."  Remember, Divas, I've come into your life because I want you to live the life you love.  … Continue reading

Meet The Diva

First of all, darlings, let's get something straight. The "diva" on this blog is not the least bit bitchy or back biting or snobby.  My diva treats herself and others with respect.  She never puts other people down for  the sake of feeling superior to them.  She does not engage in drama but aspires to bring harmony and peace to those around her.  She puts herself first in a healthy manner, because she understands that when she feels cared for,  she has more to give others.    My diva is fierce, not in a way that is confrontational or threatening, … Continue reading