Nine Things I {Almost} Know for Sure about Parenthood

  I’m not the best at this mom thing. There are times, I’m selfish. I’d rather write a blog post or go for a run than get down on the floor and play Legos with my kids.  There are times I don’t listen the way I should.  There are times I yell. I have come to look upon motherhood as a work in progress.  In some instances, I have let go of certain ideals.  In other instances, I have adopted new ones.  Just when I think I have something figured out, I realize how very little I actually know.   … Continue reading

Mom Fail in 13 Days

My children have been out of school for exactly 13 days, and already, my parenting standards have dropped to an all-time low. Summer got off to a shaky start this year, and I’m not sure whether to blame that on planetary alignment or if the fact that summer vacation came abruptly early had something to do with throwing us off (our school district is one of those in the Northeast that paid us back for unused snow days, hence, the school year ended several days ahead of schedule). We have been struggling to find our summer groove. It’s a hectic … Continue reading