Fierce Fitness

Fierce fitness

It is of the utmost importance that a Diva maintains a regimen of physical activity. Notice, Divas, I did not say "exercise regimen."   There's a difference.

Exercise, to me, means going to the gym, and pounding on some machine for an hour to "burn off the calories" you ate at lunch.  My guess is that you spend that hour eagerly waiting for it to end, while you zone out to your iPod or the flat screen TV that hangs over the "cardio room."  Remember, Divas, I've come into your life because I want you to live the life you love.  Is pounding your body on an exercise machine part of living the life you love?  Enough said.

Typically, "exercise" is accompanied by some kind of self-condemnatory message, such as "I need to burn calories because I'm fat."  This mindset is counterproductive to Fierce Diva attitude.  A Diva LOVES her body because she understands that her body is a temple.  Your bodies are the instrument that allow you to pursue your passions and goals, have relationships, and bear children. Not to get too deep, but my Yoga Divas will also appreciate that your body is what houses your soul. 

The "exercise" mindset is self limiting.  It's a punishment for eating too much or for being 'fat." Get out of this punishment mentality and instead,  begin a regimen of physical activity.  Find a way to engage your body that's enjoyable, and that makes you feel alive.  If you love to be outside, take up running or cycling, or make regular walk dates with a fellow Diva.  If you thrive on competition, find a women's soccer or softball league.  If you like more disciplined mind/body movement, find a program that offers dance, Pilates, or yoga.

In whichever activity you choose,  I want you to challenge yourself and your limits.  That's how we grow.  In yoga, it is believed that challenging our physical limitations through the postures  is part of what enables us to break through mental limitations in other areas of our lives.  Therefore, you can use your physical activity as a companion activity to the training of your mind (by now, Divas,  I would hope you all have a meditation practice).  Just keep in mind, however, that you do not have to "pound" yourself to get a challenge. 

Physical activity is a proven way to boost your physical and mental energy.  Nothing helps wake up the body more, nor is there any more potent remedy for sagging spirits.  If you feel tired, or beaten up after a rough day at work, go for a bike ride or take a walk.  You will feel as good as new in no time.  This is all in addition to the plethora of documented health benefits derived from physical activity, such as cardiovascular fitness, increased immunity, improved stamina, and better sleep.

There is no better way to get your "fierce" on than through physical activity.  If anything, it will help you to begin feeling more like the beautiful, sexy being you are.  I, for one, think you're a total goddess.  Isn't it about time you start feeling the same way?

Namaste, Divas!

©2012 Ilene Evans 


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