Finding Your G(ratitude)-Spot


Every Diva deserves to find her G-Spot.  You know, that very special place in her mind devoted to gratitude.   Yet, to some Divas, discovering their G-Spots can be trickier than locating that other G-spot.  But in both cases, persistence pays off.  Here's the secret to finding your G-Spot that most people don't understand.   Gratitude is not the result of life bringing us boundless luck and good fortune.  It is an attitude we have to cultivate regardless of what life hands us.  In an earlier post of mine entitled Fierce Finances,  I made the following  statement:

Happiness is not dependent upon our external circumstances. 

Happiness is dependent upon our thoughts.  In order to be happy and live the life you love, you must learn to control your thoughts (not to be a nag, Divas, but are you meditating yet?).  Happiness arrives when we take responsibility for our feelings and stop blaming others for our circumstances, hurts, and misfortunes.  It is what happens when we let go of our attachment to how we think life is supposed to work and become open to new possibilities. 

How does your G-Spot play into all of this? If we cultivate gratitude, we have a much better chance of feeling happy.  If you want to find your G-Spot, Divas,  write a list of everything you are grateful for, big and small,  from your health and your family all the way to having a day with an easy commute.  Challenge yourself to see how many things you can be grateful for. Can you get to 25?  50? The more you can find, the more enjoyable that G-Spot will begin to feel.  

Write a gratitude list once a day.  This is especially important when things are not going your way.  Why? When something goes wrong, it is very easy to fall into the trap of feeling like NOTHING is working right in our lives, especially if we are on shaky emotional ground to begin with. We fall into a tailspin and all of the sudden,  life sucks.  Practicing gratitude acts like a frontline defense to this tailspin, since it's much more difficult to feel like life is one big catastrophe when all of the things that make you grateful are on the forefront of your mind. 

Life can and will throw us serious curveballs , things that will humiliate us and that will hurt like hell.  But even when we have pain,  there is still room to be grateful for something.  Finding your G-Spot is a process . But it will be as life changing as the day you found your other G-Spot.  I promise.

Namaste, Divas!

©2012 Ilene Evans 



Finding Your G(ratitude)-Spot — 2 Comments

  1. I put an item in my calendar called “gratitude”. I have it set to remind me each morning and I type in the things I was grateful for the previous day. I love the reminder and the record of all the things I have to be thankful for!

  2. I love the idea of “scheduling in” the gratitude list. This way, it’s on the calendar as a priority. Thank you for the suggestion!