My Life in Numbers

I don’t get to Greta Funk’s blog as often as I’d like, so
when I stumbled upon her “My Life in Numbers” link up via Kristen, I thought,
well here’s my chance to say hello to Greta while revealing myself in this
rather clever fashion.

Greta seems to depend on coffee just as much as I do.  We have also dropped out of college the same
number of times (2).  And while I finally
did get a degree, Greta went ahead and got 2 of them!   Although, like Greta, I have not done that
much with my major either (English). 
Except write for my blog.

But enough chatter.  Let’s get to the numbers!  

3 – the number of kids I have.

6 – the number of times I typically have to ask my oldest
daughter to get dressed in the morning.

11 – the number of years I was married.

33 – the number of years I’ve been wearing glasses.

2 – the number of animals currently living in my house.

7 – the number of days we went without power after Hurricane

14 – the number of hours it has been since my last cup of

8 – glasses of water I drink in a day – of not more.  I live by the “make sure to get enough water”
rule!  (although I clearly did not get
the memo to cut back on caffeine!)

1 – the number of green smoothies I drink each day.  Yes, I am still going strong!

1 – the number of beds the kids and I use at night to sleep
(because they all wind up with me, every night, to this day – and I would not
have it any other way).

1 – the number of times I have been arrested.

3 – the number of months my husband and I are separated.

26 – the number of years I have been a vegetarian.

9 – the number of months I’ve been blogging.

1 – the number of years I’ve been teaching yoga.

8 – the number of dogs we have fostered.

2 – the number of sharpie tattoos I currently have on my

2  –  the number of bags of granola I am auctioning
off for Hurricane Sandy relief this Sunday.   

4 – the number of blog posts I have written on Hurricane Sandy.   Please keep the Jersey Shore Sandy victims in
your prayers this Thanksgiving.


So people, what are your numbers?  Do share! 


My Life in Numbers — 24 Comments

  1. Oh my goodness…..I’m inspired by how healthy you are! I know green smoothies would be so good for me, but I’ve never had one. Regular/protein smoothies, yes (which I love). Fourteen hours is way too long to go without coffee. Hee! So sorry about your husband. I hope it’s amicable, at least.
    Thanks for joining in with me!!

  2. I agree-arrest story?!
    What are my numbers? Hmmm, let’s see, here’s a few:
    6 Siblings, 2 kids, married 29 years, stopped and questioned by police once, run away from a bear-1 time, kissed hundreds of frogs before I found my prince, helped make over 2500 breakfasts for non-family, almost ran over my dad on his lawn tractor-1, got into a taxi at 2am in the morning that turned out not to be a taxi-1 time only, thank God, and snapped a billion photos (ok, that might be an over-estimate :-))
    There is a incredibly tiny and random snapshot of me, Ilene. ;-D

  3. Thanks for the kind words about my husband. It is amicable. I am lucky as far as divorce goes. If you ever feel the “urge” to try a green smoothie (because we all have those kinds of urges – right? LOL) just sneak a little baby spinach in what you drink right now and see how you like it – and maybe something to sweeten like agave or honey. Loved this link up! I really need to get to your site more! xo

  4. I agree with hilljean … you are absolutely professional! I’ve been blogging for close to three years, and I still look like it’s a first generation blog attempt. 😉
    Love this … lots of tantalizing details that make me want to know more. (BTW, I need to ask my son at least TEN times to get dressed in the morning. Maybe we should just let them go off to school in their PJs.)
    And thanks for the reminder to people about the auction! I can’t wait … hoping to rally troops from lots of different places for this!

  5. Oh, this is fun. I’ll have to do it sometime. I didn’t realize you’d only been blogging for nine months. You are already very established!