Something Has to Give

Something has to give

“Cut it to my chin,” I say emphatically.

“Are you sure?”  The stylist asks.

“I’m sure.”

I sit back in her chair and watch as the hip, youngish woman slowly snips off my long, dark, shoulder skimming layers into a pageboy bob.   She told me her name when I walked into the salon, but I don’t remember it at that moment.  Maybe I was too busy checking  my Blackberry, or the time, or thinking of what I had to get done when I got back to work.

The haircut had been an impulsive decision but a necessary one.  Maybe there had been too many layers cut into my hair or maybe it was that I was tired of fighting the August humidity with my blow dryer or maybe it was the fact that I was trying to fight the too many layers and August humidity with my blow dryer with a twenty month old tugging at my skirt and a five year old jumping all over the bed I had actually remembered to make that morning, and a three year old painting the bathroom walls with toothpaste.  Maybe it was all of that and the fact that my Blackberry hadn’t stopped beeping since the moment I woke up and I knew there were messages and deadlines waiting for me and that I was late for work once again.

Something had to give, and on that day, it was my hair.

Have you ever had a “Something has to give” moment?

Have you ever had so many of them that you knew something really had to give “or else?”

How were are at listening to yourself when you had it?

Come join me today over at Breadwinning Mamma where I describe my “something has to give moment” and what came of it.

See you there!



Something Has to Give — 48 Comments

    • I have some of me with my “sleek and professional” chin length bob. I will have to find one and tweet it out!

  1. I chopped my very long hair off to my ears in a bob one night in high school. My mom was pissed at first, but it was exactly the image change I needed to completely reinvent who I was – definitely for the better. I was unhappy where I was, and that haircut was a total game changer.
    Caitlin recently posted…JulyMy Profile

    • See? Now that’s a good reason to chop off your hair! I’m glad it changed the game for you!

    • Crayon, toothpaste, and the list goes on. And yes, in the end, I gave more than my hair for sure!

    • I’m all about growing out the hair right now! But I love chopping mine off too! One day, mine will be short again, but hopefully not due to an impulsive decision I’ve made during a stressful day at work…

    • Your hair is gorgeous. It’s *Not* the thing you should give if something has to!

    • When something like that hits you unexpectedly, I think many things have to give to accommodate the situation – and your back! Best wishes in your healing!

    • If only I had known you were crying in the bathroom! I was probably crying in mine at the same time! We could have called each other…

    • Those moments, not my favorite, but they do seem to lead to the life changers that we need.

    • You have great hair! Although I understand the frustrations of trying to grow it out – especially the cut I had after my “something has to give” moment!

  2. Something always has to give.I’m a mom. I had a hair situation like you. I was wearing extensions and wigs because my corporate office wasn’t ready for a black woman with her natural, unstraightened hair texture to show. But it was incredibly humid and hot, and I felt like I was taking my daughter that her hair want good enough by wearing fake hair. Something had to give. All of that extra hair on my head was turning me mad. So I took it all out, washed my hair, put a little conditioner in it and went to work. People gave been supportive for the most part. Even if they weren’t, I don’t care. I feel free!
    Johannas Mama recently posted…Separation Anxiety…or Something More?My Profile

    • Go you for pulling off those extensions. That must have felt like a huge weight off – literally and figuratively!

    • Thanks, Dana, and I’m glad you loved the last line. I remind myself of that all the time!

    • Oh, Carli! Story of my life! If I could say no, I don’t think I would have cut off my hair that day!

    • I can turn into a real something or another too my friend. Although lately, I’ve kept my wrath off of my least for now…

  3. You are SO brave, I cut 4″ off two months ago, it still only put my hair almost to the top of my shoulders, I cry every time Carlton cuts my hair, he keeps wine for when I come in because he knows I am going to be whiny… Lol… I’m a drama queen I guess. 🙂 One day maybe I can cut it and not cry but my hair is what makes me, I feel like… You go…
    Amber Day Hicks recently posted…Introducing BubbaMy Profile