
"Mrs. Evans," the school nurse begins on the phone, "Miss F. has a piece of plastic notebook spiral caught in her finger.  No one is exactly sure how it got there." My daughter is the Accident Queen.  She has fallen out of trees and down stairs, chipped teeth, jammed staples through her thumb, had her lip split with a baseball, and has given herself black eyes. I've learned that unless the fever is over 105 degrees or there is blood coming out of someone's ear, not to get too worked up over these things. I arrive at the office of … Continue reading

Got Boobs?

Warning:  This post contains uncharacteristically strong language for the Fierce Diva.  It's to prove a point, of course.  I have something I need to get off my chest – no pun intended.  I find the mega-hype over this week's cover of Time Magazine (for those of you living under a rock, it would be the one that features a photo of a mother breastfeeding her three year-old son) rather annoying.   Forget about the article.  The photo itself has gotten plenty of press and outrage from the country-at-large. There has been a demand for the magazine to be censored at certain … Continue reading

WWBD (What Would Balthazar Do)?

She walked slowly,  strolled, to be exact, ensconced in conversation, one hand holding cell phone to ear, while her free hand pushed the cart at a painfully sluggish pace.  I could not get around her, because she walked too closely to the middle of the aisle.  My "Excuse me's" went ignored, as she babbled away, stopping every few feet to inspect an end cap display of oversized beach towels or outdoor patio condiment holders.    My three children are restless.  I have lured them here on a sunny weekday afternoon with the promise of sampling the coveted tortellini in pesto … Continue reading

Balthazar, The Coolest Guy on Facebook

"Dear Vegas, you suck.  Love, Balthazar."  Balthazar has checked into the United Club at Newark Liberty International.  I imagine him, young and single, hanging out in the first class lounge in a pair of Abercrombie jeans and vintage wash oxford, sipping a Bloody Mary, while I sit at my desk gulping coffee, in my yoga clothes, slightly damp from perspiration, seven a.m. on a Wednesday morning, while I enjoy a few last moments of quiet before the kids barrel down the stairs.  Balthazar's Facebook status stands out like a pearl among the suburban trifles in my newsfeed.  Recital photos, Pampered … Continue reading

Helicopter Parenting and Other Nonsense

This is our foster dog Brock.  Yes, he really is this adorable! With Brock's arrival, came that "new dog" kind of chaos, which only added to the inherent chaos of our household, fueled by three high octane children under the age of nine.  Brock is a Cocker Spaniel puppy.  He jumps.  He wants to play catch all day.  He teethes. On everything.  He gets into puppy mischief, yet all is forgiven quickly. When he pees on the carpet, I sigh and open up the back door to let him into the yard.  When he ate through the leg of my … Continue reading

The Mommy Wars and Other Nonsense

Last week, a political strategist on a cable news network made a remark about the wife of presidential  candidate that has thrown the "Mommy Wars" back into the spotlight.  While I have no comment on the incident itself or the politics surrounding it, I have a lot to say about these so called "Mommy Wars," specifically, the debate over working versus staying at home. If you haven't noticed, Divas, these "Mommy Wars" are a luxury of the middle class.   These wars were created by women who had the choice whether or not to stay home or stay in their career.  … Continue reading