The Good Neighbor

I can’t think of any better way to welcome today’s guest of honor than to serve wine and lots of it.  And Nachos.  For, those are the refreshments Alexa and I bonded over at Bloggy Boot Camp in Charlotte last month. One of the best parts of attending BBC was getting to meet so many wonderful bloggers in real life, and Alexa is just as delightful in person as she is on her blog No Holding Back. I can really relate to the story she tells below.  Can you?   I have not been a good friend the past few years. … Continue reading


  We stood on the grass as the van made its way over the gravel driveway.  As it came to a stop, E. emerged with a brown cocker spaniel in her arms.  “This one’s yours!” she said as she handed the dog to me. “Isn’t he a beauty?” The kids gathered around me as we said hello to our first foster dog Brock. That was a year ago.  We’ve fostered fourteen dogs since.  Many people don’t understand why we have chosen to take in dogs on a temporary basis as fosters versus adopt.  Today, I’m explaining my famliy's decision to … Continue reading