
I’m not a fast runner – or so I thought.  I had always seen myself as more of an endurance girl.  Sure, I could go the distance.  With one full marathon and a handful of half marathons under my belt in recent years, I had proven that. But I had always taken the course slowly. What’s interesting is that when we give ourselves a label, consciously or unconsciously, we feel compelled to stay true to it.  It’s almost as if stepping into a role outside of the confines of that label feels so impossible to us, that sometimes, we won’t … Continue reading


Maybe it was the parking ticket or the broken windshield or maybe it was the fact that my mother’s house, where I’m staying, had no internet or maybe it was the fact that I was under the same roof as my mother to begin with, but by Sunday, I started to lose my Namaste-ness. OK, let’s be honest.   The Namaste-ness began to slip away weeks ago, the tension of having to be out of my house by closing time on Friday (which I made with an hour to spare) or the mounting conflict of dealing with the naysayers in my … Continue reading

I Will Say Yes

  I believe in the impossible. Thanks to running. Running has taught me that the impossible starts with one step followed by another step and then another until you run your first mile or ten or 26. When you run a marathon, especially your first, you have no choice but to believe. You have to believe. You have to say yes, even if you’re unsure, because there’s no way to do this thing, even for one moment, if you say no. The impossible starts with saying “yes” and taking your first step. And while at first this “yes,” was about … Continue reading

Confessions of a Slow Poke Runner

When people hear I'm a runner, they assume I book down neighborhood streets at super hero speed!   That I am nothing more than a blur as I sprint by!  That I could qualify for the Boston Marathon!  Because in order to be a runner, you have to be fast, right? Well, in my case, that couldn't be farther from the truth. One of the reasons I started running was because no other team sport wanted me.   You will hear no pity from me over this, because quite honestly, I can't blame them.  I sucked at team sports. I made enemies … Continue reading

I Am A Runner

Early on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, I slip out of the house before my children awaken.  I head down to the quaint seaside town of Spring Lake, New Jersey, not for a beach day, but to participate in the  Spring Lake Five, a five mile road race, which, in the past 35 years, has transitioned from a small town happening to a nationally recognized event.  The race was founded in 1977, as the running craze was gaining momentum on the heels of Frank Shorter's Olympic marathon win in 1972. My father was part of that 1970's running explosion, … Continue reading